Seeking talent to fill C-Suite positions within a firm requires looking beyond a law degree. Knowledge and in-depth experience of business within the legal realm are the keys. If you are seeking a Chief Executive Officer who will play a pivotal role in the firm’s current and future success, it’s time to search deeper and… Read More
OnBoard Legal Share
Knowledge Sharing
Filling your Staff Directory with Top Legal Talent
Recruiting top legal talent for your firm or legal department is costly, challenging, and often exhausting. Furthermore, if you are looking to hire additional staff, then it’s likely your current staff is overloaded; meaning it will be difficult for them to devote adequate time to a search for talent. On the other hand, a quick… Read More
Is it Time for a Change?
Working in the legal field, whether you are an attorney, paralegal, or play another role, is challenging, purposeful, and rewarding. But, like other fields, sometimes you end up in a position that just doesn’t fit, and you find yourself considering a job change. Of course, too much job-hopping in the legal field can hurt you… Read More
3 Ways to Boost Your Law Firm’s Morale
The law profession has undergone significant changes over the last decade. There was a time when retaining your law firm talent was as simple as offering a robust compensation plan while ensuring a steady workload. However, as we highlighted in one of our prior posts entitled, “Reducing Turnover at your Law Firm” those days are… Read More
Is Social Media Harming Your Legal Career?
As social media and online network continue to grow in popularity, it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate our real lives from our online personas. Likewise, the lines that prevent our personal and professional identities from overlapping becomes blurrier by the day; this is why you must be careful of what you share online. As… Read More
When Law Firms Give Back
Giving back – one of the pillars of true success. Most law firms have something to give back, both in their immediate community and on a more global level. From working pro bono, to financially supporting a cause, to giving of themselves to a project in a non-legal way, there are multiple opportunities. Fostering a… Read More
Best Practices for New Client Intake
Turning potential clients into paying clients is essential to your law firm’s growth. As obvious as that statement is, many firms are missing opportunities and leaving prospective clients to go searching elsewhere due to lack of follow-up and poor intake procedures. Establishing an organized, repeatable system for client intake is essential. The following format will… Read More
Professional Transitions
Transitioning clients from one lawyer to another is an inevitable part of a firm’s responsibilities. For example, is there a lawyer who is approaching retirement, or is otherwise unable to continue in their present capacity. Is a senior lawyer, who is delegating some responsibilities to a younger lawyer, also mentoring him/her? Are cases being transferred… Read More
Finding Fulfillment as a Lawyer
It is not in the pursuit of happiness that we find fulfillment; it is in the happiness of pursuit. Once upon a time, you were an optimistic law student, eager to earn your degree and set the world on fire. Your dreams were big, and your confidence to attain those dreams was even bigger. You… Read More
Your Law Firm and Client Service
We are what we repeatably do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. Growth in your law firm rests largely on client retention. Your firm’s capacity to retain clients will shape the future of your practice and long-term success. Client retention is not only far less costly than attracting new clients; satisfied existing… Read More
Strategies for Growth
Sound strategy starts with having the right goal. As we speed through the first quarter of 2020, law firms have evaluated the past year and are looking forward to growth in 2020. Substantial growth doesn’t happen, however, without first establishing goals and creating a strategy map to define where you are going and how you… Read More
Effective Law Firm Growth Strategies
Our team has worked with law firms for over two decades. Throughout this time, we have advised those firms on different growth strategies. Each strategy has certain advantages and when executed deliberately can ensure consistent growth in the law firm environment. 1. MUTUALLY exclusive recruiting engagements Exclusivity between law firms and recruiting agencies can be… Read More
The COVID-19 Effect on Law Schools
No one answer is ever the answer. COVID-19 is continually affecting the legal world. From small firms to the giants, daily adjustments to the COVID Effect and solutions for the future are being discussed and enacted. So, what about law schools? Enrollment numbers? LSAT? Campus visits? Finances – for students and schools? Tuition fees? In-class… Read More
Lateral Moves / Hires During Times of Crisis
The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger–but recognize the opportunity. Today’s big questions: How much does COVID-19 affect my career in law? Should I move forward with my 2020 goals for a lateral… Read More